What to Bring to Competition

Headed to a competition? We want to be sure you have everything you need to set you up for success! Below is a helpful list of everything you need to have with you on competition day.

  • GRIPS!!!
  • If you wear grips for bars, don’t forget them! You can’t compete without them if you train with them at JAG.
  • If you don’t wear grips for practice, forget this!

  • Arrive in Competition Leotard
  • All underwear/bras must be covered by the leotard. Ahtletes receive a deduction if any undergarments are showing.

  • Arrive w/Hair up in a Tight Bun
  • See our JAG hair tutorial HERE
  • Pig tail buns are allowed
  • Braided buns are allowed
  • Use a lot of hairspray and hair ties!
  • If your hair is too short to fit into a bun, that is ok. 
  • Just know you can get a deduction if your hair is resting on your shoulders. Ie. a pony tail cannot touch the shoulders, so get creative!
  • Feel free to Youtube “Gymnastics Meet Hair” for more fun ideas 

  • JAG Team Jacket

  • Full-Length Solid Black Leggings

  • Flip-flops or Sliders
  • Once inside the gym, shoes will need to be put inside your JAG backpack
  • Please no UGGs or large shoes that can’t fit inside your backpack!

  • JAG Team Backpack with the following items
  • GRIPS! (Again, only if you use grips for bars at JAG)
  • Full water bottle
  • Small healthy snacks
  • Please make sure your child has had a meal before her competition. They shouldn't be trying to eat a meal's worth of snacks out on the floor!
  • Solid black spandex shorts
  • If you are choosing to compete with shorts, keep them in your bag until you switch from your pants to your shorts.
  • This is a new rule. Shorts have never been permitted before, but athletes can now wear them if they want. 
  • Extra hair ties/hairspray/hair brush/bobby pins/clips etc.
  • Roll of tape/pre-wrap – only if needed.
  • Feminine products if needed.
  • Cell phones – athletes are NOT allowed to use cell phones on the competition floor and can be deducted if caught with them outside their bags. If you have one, be sure to keep it in your backpack until the competition has completely ended!
  • Optional: One small stuffy or furry friend, if wanted.
  • Optional: small notepad & pen – to add scores at the end of the meet

  • Make-up/Nail Polish etc.
  • Gymnastics is not like theater or dance! Stage makeup is not recommended and rarely seen, especially on younger athletes. There is no deduction for make-up, but it is not a requirement and we suggest it's kept tasteful and minimal - if at all. 
  • Hair glitter is popular at gymnastics meets, and is allowed!
  • Nail poslish is now allowed (new rule as of 2022!). We recommend light colors or clear, if any. However, no color will cause a deduction. 
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